Tight by Alessandra Torre

TightTight by Alessandra Torre
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Allessandra Torre never fails to deliver on erotic hotness, soaked panty-reading fiction. I think it’s in her blood. She just knows sex and how to write about it. Born to it, for it, to write about it. What I love about her is that she weaves unexpected stories around the eroticism and in TIGHT she makes good in keeping with tradition.

I’m not a reviewer that includes spoilers so prepare to be disappointed. What I want to talk about is the hype of this book being a rewrite from an original short titled Still. I must be one of the rare few of Ms. Torre’s fans that haven’t read it and after reading TIGHT I’m glad I didn’t. I had a fresh eye to the characters and dynamics between them, to their relationship and its development. I loved what I read but have to admit Brett Jacobs initially reminded me of Torre’s Brad DeLuca of her Innocence series. They share that air of intrigue, wealthy and sexually dominant male. However that’s where the similarities stopped. Brett Jacobs is a whole ‘nother kind of man entirely.

It was easy to picture Riley’s hometown of Quincy, probably being like the Alabama version of the mountainous region I live in. She’s an easy character to get to know, to relate with and to invest in. Riley isn’t the “perfect” woman (whatever that is), but pleasantly rounded in both figure and personality. It’s believable when the small-town thrill at her new boyfriend and relationship starts to wear off. Torre draws the status difference between them clearly, using it as a source of Riley’s insecurities among the many others that plague her throughout the story.

What I didn’t see coming was the twist in all of it – the incredible whallop of plot veering that set off that brakes squeeling, screeching to a halt and then peeling into reverse: did I read that right series of sounds in my head. I thought holy literary muses where does this woman get her ideas? From that point on in the reading I was riveted. I couldn’t put the book down. I just had to know, had to see how it all played out. I’m happy to say I wasn’t disappointed. The conclusion left me sated on a variety of levels and breathless with appreciation for yet another work of art.

Allessandra Torre does the genre justice and gives her readers unique, quality storytelling amidst some of the steamiest yet eloquently described erotica. TIGHT is another addition to the growing list of books the world ought not to miss.

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